Obedience training in your home for your canine kid
The Educated Puppy offers a very special training program for your pup or adult dog in the safety and comfort of you and your dog's home environment. We offer training for any dog from 8 weeks of age on up. The goal of our program is to teach your dog the behaviors you want - the essential start for great pets! You can forget about choke or slip collars. In fact "The Educated Puppy" is a no choking zone! "Uncle Mikey" never uses harsh equipment nor does he train by bribing your dog with treats. You can also forget about the circus like confusion of group classes. Michael Quattrochi owns and operates this very special school for "canine kids" and trains each and every student himself. Unlike other in-home training programs Michael comes to your house not once or twice a week: but instead, he will work with your dog Monday through Friday.
Put your puppy in the hands of the Dr. Spock (Atlanta Magazine), the Pied Piper of puppies (Dog Fancy Magazine) and the Dr. Doolittle of puppies (The Atlanta Journal). Contact Georgia's recognized expert in the field of domestic dog behavior.
Obedience Training
Obedience training makes it possible to control the development of behavior patterns in our dogs... More info
Our Photo Gallery
We invite you to view our photo gallery and share some of our happy moments from the past and present .. More info
Contact Us
119 Churchcliff Drive Woodstock, Ga. 30188
phone: 770.475.3049 email: info@theeducatedpuppy.com
Because, Your Dog Deserves the Best