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Midway Animal Hospital
Midway Animal Hospital was founded in 1988 as a one veterinarian clinic operated out of a small renovated house. The founder, Dr. Rod Hardee, was the only vet at the time. He had a vision of a veterinary hospital that treats pets with the same level of medical care and attention given to human patients. It was his insight and dedication that brought Midway Animal Hospital to where it is today a multi-veterinarian, full-service facility offering the most progressive and up-to-date treatments available and an AAHA accredited practice.

MusicBox Bichons & Löwchen
MusicBox Bichons & Löwchen is a small show kennel with their emphasis being on sound, healthy and happy Bichons and Löwchen. We invite you to visit their website to see their lovely bichons and lowchen past and present. They are dedicated to the Bichon Frise and Löwchen Breeds and show their dogs in conformation with the AKC to “proof out” their breeding program, always breeding to the standard, and to better and advance the breed. Their emphasis has always been on temperament #1 and producing sound, happy, healthy puppies. They are a proud Breeder of Merit with the American Kennel Club in both our chosen breeds, the Bichon Frise and the Löwchen.

Rummer Run Boxers
Since 1995, all of our Boxers have been shown and trained by Rick Justice of Pinson, Alabama. Much of our success in breeding Boxers and producing winning show dogs is because of Rick’s abilities and skills. He and his wife Mandy are accomplished dog handlers and trainers and take exceptional care of our pure bred Boxers. Not only that, but we really have a good time together and enjoy showing dogs through all of the ups and also through the occasional inevitable downs. We believe that Rummer Run is one of three Boxer breeders to win the American Boxer Club Futurity three times. The only other breeders to accomplish this were Salgray Boxers of Massachusetts and Donessle Boxers of Canada.

Lafferty Animal Clinic
The Lafferty Animal Clinic strives to provide the most up-to-date cutting edge medicine while still making you feel like part of theirr family. Dr. Lafferty will spend time with you educating you about how to best care for your pets. Since Dr. Lafferty is the only vet, he gets to know his patients well and their caring technicians help create a friendly and supportive atmosphere. They appreciate you entrusting them with the health of your beloved companions.
Services include: Vaccinations, Medicine, Surgery, Dermatology, Teeth Cleaning, Radiology, Ultrasound, and Exotics

Pinnacle Pet Services
Pinnacle Pet Services is Los Angeles's most experienced and complete dog training company; and have been in operation for over 50 years! They have the distinction of being the only company to train for Broadway shows, movies, AKC shows, obedience, security, agility, advanced training, and special needs.
They board and train many different kinds of dogs,they also employ many dog handlers, each with a unique background and level of experience, but all dog-lovers who provide thorough care, exercise and training for your dog. They service all of Los Angeles.