Obedience Training

Obedience is a lifestyle, a process of appropriate behaviors and continued learning. The need for proper obedience training is mandated by our domestication of the dog.
Mother Nature spent thousands of years developing instincts in your dog. These instincts make it possible for cohabitation with others of their own kind in their natural environment. Domestication has done very little to change these wild instincts. So for your dog living in your home and trying to cope with humans, it becomes a case of the wrong instincts for the wrong environment.
When we take a dog into our homes our first imperative is providing the dog with a mutually understandable communication skill. That 's precisely what Obedience training really is. It represents the tools your family needs so they can take an active role in the development of your puppy's behavior. Proper training makes it possible for you to be able to teach your dog constructive habit patterns.
Did you know that in most households the family spends most of their time attempting to teach their puppy what "NOT TO DO"? If this sounds like your house then it's high time to turn that dynamic around. With proper training you and your dog will be able spend your time more productively. A truly well trained dog is one who knows how to behave in everyday routine scenarios.
Doesn't your dog deserve a home life that he or she can thrive in? An untrained puppy is far more likely to be an insecure and overactive puppy. A pet that requires constant care seemingly every moment of everyday. A trained puppy is secure in their home and a joy to live with.
The program at "The Educated Puppy" includes a comprehensive education for your entire family. Once your "educated puppy" has graduated, you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of owning a well adjusted and well trained puppy. From graduation day forward you will be in a take charge position, developing your puppy's most important interactions with your family.
Each client receives:
- private consultation,
- one-on-one training lessons,
- a comprehensive at home booklet,
- lifetime assurance service
"I offer lifetime phone service once your dog graduates. This is to insure continued harmony between your dog and your family! If you need me - I’ll be there"
"Uncle Mikey"
For more information:
obediencetraining@theeducatedpuppy.comVideo Clips
To walk attentively at your left side -
Auto Sit:
When you stop your dog will sit -
To assume the position when requested -
To maintain the requested position -
To lie down when requested -
Down Stay:
To maintain the position -
To approach you and auto sit